Monday, May 11, 2009

Friday May 8

The plan was to take today off and ride Saturday and run Sunday.  However, I noticed that A) the weather was going to stink on Saturday and B) Sunday being Mother’s day wasn’t going to be in my best interest for working out…

So… I decided that Thursday was going to be off and Friday after work ride and brick, Saturday Run, Sunday Ride the ride I missed on Thursday.

3+ hour Ride and 30min Run

I now know better then to arbitrarily just change the plan and do what I feel like.  I started out my ride feeling great!  Food was right on and water was good and my legs were moving.  I decided to follow up Bayview as far as I could go and then turn around – hopefully at the 2hr mark.  However I’m riding up Bayview and suddenly Bayview wasn’t there anymore.. As it turns out Bayview turns into Propect in Newmarket and to make this adventure better, Propect ends just after Davis Dr.  So back I went to Davis Dr.  By now the clouds are getting quite dark and not looking so good.  I crossed the 404 at Davis and went as far as Warden hoping that the clouds were more central to Leslie to Yonge.  No… It started pouring and I wasn’t going to continue going north as the rain clouds were following me.  So, if you can’t beat’em, ride through em.  I turned south on Warden and figure it would be better to be closer to home if the rain really started and it did.  For the better part of the next hour and a bit, I got drenched.  I didn’t feel comfortable riding in my aero position because I could barely see but my nutrition kept on going well and I was pleased with that..


Once I entered Richmond Hill, the rain did slow and I was happy about that move south.  Along Elgin Mills the Sun actually came out and there was no way I could turn home a) because the clock read 1:45 and B) the sun was out so why not ride on…  I turned up Leslie and then turned again at 19th and followed 19th to Bathurst and then North to King back to Yonge.  I stopped for a quick second to say Hello to Doris but it seemed that she wasn’t home.  I then followed North Lake to Bayview and then south to home.  The Clock read 2:55 and I covered about 84 km.  I was pleased with that… Sometimes riding in the rain – no matter how much we hate it, is good character building to build good training. 


Within 10min I was out the door and running back to my school to pick up my car.  It was about a 7km trip to school and the run called 15 min strong and then 15 min choice.  I felt really good and wanted to beat any further rain.  However my HR was on the higher side but the effort felt strong and I was happy to be moving.  I got to the car at 34 min and for 7km that was close to 5min pace if not a little faster….  I love it when that happens.  

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