Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday April 29

1hr bike and 20min run

The workout actually called for 1.5hr bike and 30min run.  I had to cut it since I got out of work late and still wanted to make it home to see the kids....

The hour was broken into 20 min building to 140HR/ 20 min in 155-160 HR/ 20 min 145HR.  It was pretty uneventful, although I decided to ride up leslie from elgin mills.  This rode can be quite hilly in parts so the hard pushes forced my HR to sky rocket....

The Run off the bike was great... 10 hard and 10 easy.  I like this feeling to be able run hard.  I feel like my biking is smarter and since I'm trying as much as possible to stay around the 90rpm mark, I'm not burning my quads.

Tuesday April 28

PM Run and strength
This has been a busy day with a little swim in the morning and now a run 30min in the afternoon and then a strength session with Claudia in the evening.  

The run was uneventful since I had to get to Chiro.  Although I have now started, whenever the run says "pace as you feel", going at a pace of 10.5 kph or better.  Since that's my Ironman goal, I want to start getting that feeling of doing it naturally.

The Strength session was tough... We did a lot of core and one legged stuff.  I know that I'm improving as I see that standing one legged on the flat of the bosu wasn't so hard as it used to be.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday April 28

Happy Anniversary to me...
In true (married to my training fashion), I was out bright and early at the pool.  My legs were a tad on the achey side (hips and so on) but I was excited to do this swim because in it was an 800m time trial.  
The main started with 8x50's on 1min and then 800m TT.  I nailed the 50's with about 10 sec rest and then the TT was good - part way through I felt like I was dragging but that was just me.  I finished at 14:25 for 800m and 13:45 for 750m.  Now I'm not doing short courses this year but it is nice to know that my speeds are improving.  

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday April 26

2hr 15min run
I was really glad that I didn't have to wake up super early today to get this run in. We had Annie's first birthday party celebration at 11am and Sandra had decided for me that there was just too much to do to run before the party. That turned out really well since it was pouring this morning when I woke up.
I actually did this run after Nate had a another Birthday party to go to. So I started at 4:50 and out I went. My Heart Rate stayed under or dead on 150-151 for the whole time (except the hills - 155ish) so the whole run was at the low end of zone 2. I covered exactly 22.5km in 2:15. I was very pleased because there was a little head wind and I stayed pretty consistent the whole run.

Day off tomorrow or a tiny pyramid swim...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday April 25th

4.5 hr ride and 45min run
I think today might have been my longest ride yet. We covered 123km 4:23. We left from Gregs house and basically went out to kettleby and down and around to Hockley Valley. What a nice place. I couldn't tell you how to get there but the scenery was great. Because I didn't have the directions, I had to stop a bunch of times to figure out the next turn but it was nice to stay together since we were a group going out together. Although as the rides go on I'm either going to have to ride on my own or bring a map. I don't mind stopping but I know I'm not going to do it race day so I need to get into the habit.
The way out was a little windy, we thougt the wind was coming from the west and we arrived in Hockley after being on the bike 2hrs. After a quick refuel and bathroom break, we continued on a little to make up a little distance that we needed and turned around for the "wind at your back" ride home. There were some good stretches - I call them "pro" stretches - were you're going so fast you feel like a pro racing down the road. There also seemed to be a wind shift and now the wind was coming from the south. Coming out of Kettleby was brutal - maybe I was getting tired or maybe I just needed that easy gear going up a hill again.

We rolled into the driveway of Gregs and it was almost 1:30pm so unfortunately I knew better then to go for a run when I said I would be home.
Home, showered and ready to clean at 2:15 as promised.

Thursday April 23

2800m swim - I was determined to figure out why I was swimming so slow on Tuesday, so today I went to the pool with a mission. The main set was 800m pull and then 4 x 200 on 4:00min. I did the 800 in 13:43 which was great because a year ago I did 750m pull in that time. Then I did the 4 - 200m and each one I came in at 3:32. Two days ago I was struggling for 3:50. I took my Heart rate and right around 145ish. Basically either I had a bad day - and that happens or I just wasn't pushing. That sometimes does happen and I need to remember to dig my hand in and push. Overal I was pretty happy with this swim.

PM - Strength
The beauty of getting Claudia to write out the workouts for me is that I've actually been doing them and feeling great. I made myself one of those rope ladders we were using at the gym so I was able to replicated her workout. For the first time I'm really enjoying these strength workouts.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday April 22

Happy Birthday Nathan! - Yes all three in April - it is a busy month around here....

2hr Bike - Todays bike was a build session - a couple min on and a couple min off gradually increasing the intensity and then backing off... It ended with another 20 min at 200watts. That took just about everything left out... but it was a good workout...

I set everything up in the garage today just so that I could have a little different scenery. It was cold and rainy today so riding in the garage with the garage door half open caused a few funny looks from the neighbours but whatever!.

Tuesday April 21

Happy Birthday Annie! Wow one year old - time flies...

AM - Swim
Today was an interesting swim because I've been debating that thought of is swimming alone or along side a group slowing me down more the old NYAC group. The Main part of the swim was 6 times (4x50 on 1:00min and 1 x 200 on 4 min). I didn't really have trouble with this workout, it's just that I wasn't getting more then 10 sec rest after each one. When I was at NYAC I don't believe we did basically 6x400m on pace times and if we did we were always getting more rest then we were supposed to. I think I'm naturally slowing because mentally I'm telling myself "Hey wait! Don't use up all the matches now, you still have 5 more sets to do..."
In speaking with Dave, he suggested that I probably should have had a little more rest, and therefore may need to go on 4:05 for the 200's.
Overall it was a good swim and it feels good to be pushed.

PM - Form Run and Claudia
45 min form run - nothing really to report about this - it was good and I like to be reminded to think while running - engaging the core, loosen the face and so on...

My session with Claudia is so great! She had me working on balance using the spacer ladder. I've always hated this device but today it inspired me.... I never sweat as much as I do during those strength sessions.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Saturday / Sunday / Monday

Saturday 2hr run

Because of the boys parties today, I had to juggle around everything in terms of workouts. I did my long ride and run yesterday so that meant I needed to run on tired legs for my long run. The run was pretty straight forward - nothing fancy - just two hours - heart rate at around 150bpm. I covered 20 km give or take a little and I felt pretty happy knowing that I put so much into my legs yesterday that I was still able to go today. Yes it was slow, but that was to be expected.

Sunday (The Ikea session)
I hate Ikea furnature.... This was a workout all in itself. We bought the boys a new unit to put their clothes in from ikea but obviously it had to be put together. It's not that it was hard because it wasn't... it's just that you have to make sure that you're doing certain parts at certain times or else everything else becomes difficult... It took me the better part of the day to get this done. Man I was tired afterwards...

Monday Swim 1800m
Straight forward swim today Warm up and then 10x100 on 2:00min and then cool down. It was easy but I'm starting to notice the effects of swimming solo - mainly being it's harder to go faster and as a result you start to slow down... I'll have to stay on this...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday April 17

Friday - 4hour bike and 1 hour run

This ride was a great one... I intended to go out and ride at 150 watts and ride strong so that I could run strong. I met up with Greg and Simon and we headed out towards the Jackson's point for a hot dog.

Once we were out, there was a strong head wind so the plan was still around 150 watts but I knew that it would have been smarter to have a cadence of 90 or better and if that happenned to show 150 watts then great.

We stopped in Willow beach for a hot dog and a break and then once again at Musslemans lake just to recoup. All told we travelled 4hrs and covered 106 kms - slightly above 26Kmph - which I wasn't disappointed about but the great part came on the run. Greg gave me a 5k route and it turned out to be a nice route - little bit of uphills and a little down. I went out strong, letting my legs do the work. I wasn't sure how they were going to fire given that I wasn't feeling the run "love" lately since Around the Bay. I finished the first loop at 25:48 - wow 5:10 pace - incredible after a 4hour ride. Off I went for the second loop and again felt strong. I finished the second loop with a dead even time split of 51:25. I felt incredible! I could have kept going and that was a great feeling.

I'm glad I kept the bike ride relaxed because I now truly understand that need to ride relaxed to run strong and feel good about it as opposed to that first five minute hobble until your legs start to work. Next time I think I would push a little closer to 27kmph since the goal is 6:30 for the bike.

For the first long ride outside - it was a good one.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday April 15

Well another long under the belt. The total today was 4000m and consisted of the main set being 10 x 300m with 20 sec rest in between. It was done as a strength session so it called for paddles to be used for the whole thing with the pull buoy being thrown in for a little recovery every 600m. I was done in 1:20 (including warm up and cool down) so I was very happy with that. I'm glad to be getting in at least one very long swim every couple weeks.

Thursday is off this week - I moved my long ride to Friday - get a little rest in before the long day....

Tuesday April 14

Run and Strength
I had a fairly easy straight forward 45 min form run today.  I like these form runs because they remind me to run properly from the core, light feet, hands and unclench the face.  It was a good run but either I did too much riding on the weekend or my legs are still feeling tired from ATB - it was slow that's all.  There was a pretty strong wind about so that increased my heart rate.  The plus was that I was in shorts finally.  Here comes the spring. 

I was excited to get back to Claudia again.  It had been almost 2months off  from her and although I had been doing some work on my own - it wasn't the same.  She motivates, pushes and beats strength into me.  I never sweat as much and I leave feeling worked...  The good thing was that this time I got Claudia to write down the workout for me so that I can do it a second time.  Any takers in joining?  Greg? Willem?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday / Monday April 12th and 13th

Sunday April 12
90 min run 
The problem with this sort of cold / sort of warm weather is that it's tough to figure out what to wear and then finding the motivation to get out wearing the wrong clothes.  Because I had two big days the days before, I opted to pass on the run today - partly because I just wasn't feeling right about the run and I think I was tired a little from the hard work before.  
I'd better be careful I've missed a couple long runs now and that could add up...

Monday April 13
Easy spin - I was really excited today that I got back out on the bike in the morning for my 3rd 3hour ride of the weekend.  I was happy to get out again because on a regular week, I would never get close to 260 kms.  The job was to really spin today - not watch the watts, HR and just spin.  Make sure that I was between 90-95rpm and go.  I saw Peter there and we decided to ride together.  It was great to see him again and he looks like he's right on track for RAAM.  We were able to chat, catch up and just ride.  I'm really happy for him and Adam for getting such a successful business going in these rough economic times.  
Because this was around the first outdoor ride of the year, I've built sort of an unofficial tradition of going out with Peter around the beginning of the year.  Every year I go out with him and every year he demolishes me.  This year was slightly different.  He was still stronger and definitely faster but this year he was waiting for me much less and I was staying strong much longer.  
What I was really proud of was that I was truly riding by feel but I was able to keep an avg of 29 over 3hrs and stayed very true to my cadence of 90-95rpm.  I was also happy that I still felt really strong after.  
I'll really be able to tell how things are going this weekend when I have a four hr ride at 150avg watts and then a 1hr run.  I should be fresh afterwards..... 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday April 11

Bike and Run

Today was a really cool day! I had been out riding with Lisa Bentley before when I was in Florida over christmas but today was different. The original plan was to meet up with some of their other athletes (I think I was going to be the only other "non pro") and go outside for a a hill workout and run. Well the weather was too cold and Lisa would have frozen so Lisa and Dave invited everyone over to their house to do the bike ride inside. Everyone else cancelled... so it was just me (I really couldn't bare doing three hours in my basement) and Lisa riding together. The really neat part was that we were able to just "Chat" - she asked questions about my family and I was able to pick her brain about a couple of those "I'd been meaning to ask someone, but never got to it questions" - hill riding technique, salt pill useage etc.

The workout was fairly straight forward - 3hrs, with 3x 20min at 200watts with 20min rec in between. The first 2 were good but the third got me... I think my avg watts over the 3hrs was in around that 150-160 range... (I didn't really look but guessed based on the ergo mode of the CT).
Dave joined in after for my 40min run off the bike. He took me onto this great trail near his house that was naturally rolling. My HR was definately in a tempo range but nothing killer. It was manageable and I was still able to want to be part of the conversation.

I feel really lucky to have the opportunity to train with them every once in a while. The tips and encouragement really push me and make me want to be proud of my hard work.

Thursday / Friday April 9/10

So it's been a busy couple of days with Passover and visiting family and that stuff....

Thursday 3.8 km swim
I was really excited to do an ironman swim today - it wasn't really a straight 3.8 but more like a 400m warm up with 4x800 and 200 cool down. There was 30 sec rest between 800 and when all was said and done I finished at 1hr 13min. With a couple min of rest, that puts me in a great spot now a little less then four months away.

Friday easy ride...
Well this was supposed to be an easy spin with the Yonge and Sheppard group today but it was anything but...
It started out early since the night before Douglas had put out a plea for an extra tire. Luckly I had one so I drove down to his house to help him change it so he could get out with us. I thought I would be out 2 -2.5hrs but that turned into 3 and 1/4 hrs covering 96km. I now remember why I love to hate this group. I love it because they force me to really work but hate it because I feel really "slammed" afterwards. I know for sure that this early into the season, I shouldn't have seen some of the numbers I did. Oh well - that's life....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday April 8

Happy Birthday Dan! Yes he loved the Nascar but was afraid to go on anything but the merry go round. Oh well, he's only 3, there'll be a lifetime ahead of driving fast and doing thing reckless.

90min Bike
I had a 90min bike ride today that consisted of big grear work 15 min at 60rpm and 10min at 70 rpm and 20 min to end things at tempo pase. Again, very interesting and I should remember this... It was much easier to control my heart rate when staying in the small ring. I did the last 2 sets in my small ring and noticed right away that I was able to hold the same wattage for the 70rpm as I did for the 60 rpm and my HR didn't go nuts... For the 20min set I chose 205. Although I didn't stay in the 150HR that Dave suggested, It was manageable at 158-160HR.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday April 7

AM - Swim 2100m
I decided to join up with Steve and his masters group today so that I could get a little group dynamic back.  I was doing Dave's workout but sometimes it's just nice to be with other people to mentally push you along.  

The main part of the workout was 4 times 3x100m with varying degrees of rest.  Each 100 was to be swam at the same speed and I chose 1:45 as my time today giving me an opportunity to push with little rest and recover when the rest is a little more abundant.  In each 100 I was able to hit my 1:45.  What I noticed was sometimes when you're focussing on running as I had been over the past weeks, you sometimes forget some of the little (but important) technique things.  I found myself thinking roll, reach, and push.  Although I was starting to feel "it" during the 7-9 set with 10 seconds rest, I was happy to know that I could just push a little harder and make it through to 12.  

Easy 40 min run this eve... going to have to squeeze this in probably right after work and run home.  Tomorrow is Dan's 3rd Birthday so we're going to take him to Nascar speedpark today given that tomorrow is Passover and we're at my parents for the Seder.  I think he's really going to like it...  I can just remember going to the Monster Truck show a couple months and to see his big eyes go crazy when they came out... I can only imagine what he'll be like when he gets to ride the cars tonight...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday April 6

So I've been bad and not posted for a couple of days... It wasn't that I wasn't doing workouts, it was just that I was feeling really tired from last week.  The workouts that I did do were sort of half ass and for some reason I feel like I did more damage trying to push hard during the race and thus as a result my IT and part of my quad felt tight up until Friday.  To make matters worse I was also battling one of those "I slept funny and now I have a kink in my neck pains".  Over all it wasn't such a great week....  

I decided that the weekend was going to be better...  I got my act together to get on the bike for a 2hr ride of the IMFlorida course trying to keep 155watts... Maybe my legs were tired or maybe the pace bunny that I set for 150 watts was having a good day... because I was able to keep up for maybe a half hour and then it took off.  It was funny because my avg watts were in around 160 but as I continue to learn about power, more consistent is better - less peaks, less valleys - more straight lines... I guess that also means more changing gears to keep that straight line.  
I had a 20 min run after and went out for a quick loop around the hood.  It did feel good to run again but my legs were definitely still tired even after 20min.

In the afternoon, I went to the pool to get a swim in... my legs didn't fire again, so a little pulling never hurt - the main set consisted of 800m steady pull and paddles so that was ok and as well 8 by 100m on 2:00min - I did a couple without the pull but I found that I was working quite hard for the time that I was coming in at.  

I was supposed to get a 1hr easy run in, but because nothing was working yesterday I opted to skip the run meet Oren for an easy bike ride.  I didn't want to go too hard but the wind was coming from the North and Dufferin was all hills going north.  So instead of killing my self I staying in my small ring with high cadence and around that 150watts from the day before.  It took about 1hr and 20min to get up to kettleby (about 30km).  The way home was FAST it took about 55min for the same route just going south with a great tail wind.  

What was really funny was my bike compared to Oren's.  In my Aero position I was about 6inches lower then his bike when he was in the drops on his road bike.  Going down a hill - he was pushing and I was able to tuck in a keep up without peddling.   He hated letting my pull because the wind just flew over me and into him.  Interesting how aerodynamics work..

Today is a day off - I considered getting up this morning and getting some exercises in but thought against it in an effort to start a fresh week.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday March 31 - no more railings

AM - Strength
I got up this morning at my usual 5:15 to get over to the club for my strength session.  I was nervous that my legs just weren't going to fire and that I'd be trying in vain... After a couple min to warm up, my legs were at least moving.  I had to eliminate the squat to all exercises - the IT and hamstrings and quads were still too sore...  I'm able, even tired, to get that basic plank up to 1:30 without collapse.  I was glad in the end that I made it out - it's always good to get moving again.

Getting to school, I was happy to find that I wasn't completely relying on the railings to get me up and down the stairs - which is a good thing since my class is on the second floor and I refuse to take the elevator..

PM 75min bike

First real workout back, and it's really cool that just two days before I hammered my legs for 30km and now was able to get on my bike and not dred the process. 

The workout was a lot of really high cadence - I'm sure to flush - of about 110rpm.  I kept the resistance to about 120watts so that I could get the cadence up but also keeping in mind that this is still recovery and not a "push".  

I'm now feeling much better as a result and looking forward to getting back in the pool on Wed.